New to the Bible or want to go deeper?
The Bible Course is for you!
The Bible Course shows how the key books, famous characters and epic events form one BIG story, from Genesis to Revelation, and also provides tools and skills that help apply scripture to everyday life.
Join The Rev. John Borthwick, Director of the Centre of Lifelong Learning at Knox College as he facilitates this eight-session course online this winter.
Sign Up Today!
Ministry leaders, this series is meant to complement your ministry context's exploration of the Bible.
Participants who have taken the course have grown in confidence in studying the Bible and finish it seeking more opportunities to go deeper. We'd love if you were to offer this opportunity to your congregations and contexts as a way of supporting your ministry. Feel free to join in or not. No pressure. Let Ministry Forum take the planning and leading off your shoulders this Winter.
We look forward to having a diverse group of participants. This will be an opportunity to meet others across Canada who are passionate about learning more about the Bible and growing in their walk with God in Christ Jesus.
Thursdays Online
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. ET
Sessions will be hosted on ZOOM and will be about 60 - 90 minutes each evening.
Each Session will be RECORDED just in case you miss one.
Registrants will receive The Bible Course PDF Manual.
Tickets to join $25
With Rev. John Borthwick
John Borthwick leads Ministry Forum as the Director of the Centre for Lifelong Learning at Knox College. John knows intimately the ups and downs of congregational ministry. Having served in congregational ministry for 25 years, John has lived it and, as he would say at times, just survived and often thrived in this unique and challenging role. He is passionate about supporting ministry leaders as they answer the call to serve. During COVID-19, John responded to the needs he witnessed among his colleagues and friends by creating The Abbey, a virtual space for community and learning. He intends to translate his recent experience on a much larger scale as he stewards Ministry Forum. John looks forward to being available to ministry leaders - reach out to him today!
Schedule and Details
The Bible is a library of books, divided into two Testaments – Old and New. Together they form one story that centres on Jesus Christ.
Genesis is the first book of the Bible. As an ancient text, it still provides the best explanation of all the beauty and tragedy in our world.
Through a mass Exodus, God delivered Israel from slavery, into the Promised Land. Today, we can experience true liberation through Jesus Christ.
God raised up judges and kings to lead Israel. They were anointed with the Holy Spirit and foreshadowed the coming Messiah.
Israel experienced a dark period of division, defeat and exile. However, God raised up prophets who promised that the best was yet to come.
The Gospels capture the extraordinary life of Jesus Christ – Messiah, Saviour and Lord. Now this same Jesus calls to us: ‘Come, follow me!’
Acts tells the story of the explosive growth of early Christianity. This story continues today as we share the good news of Jesus with our world.
The Bible finishes with visions of a new creation. Paradise lost will be regained. Inspired by this hope, let’s make the Bible our priority until we get there!